Monday, September 7, 2009

In search of new favorite books series

I finished my last Odelia Grey book yesterday, and now since the Sue Ann Jaffarian-helmed mystery series is not coming out with another installation until 2010, I am in need of another mysteries series to read, inhale, adore, etc... Of course, I have some requirements. Not any mystery series will do. Before the Odelia Grey series, I read the three books in Lisa Lutz's Spellman Files series (also waiting for her next book out in 2010). Before that, it was Sue Grafton, who, granted, has books in her beloved ABC murder mystery series which I still haven't read and can always grab as a last resort. But as for a new series, here are three key points that will grab and sustain my reading attention:

1. The main character in most of my favorite books, and all of my favorite mystery books, are strong women characters. So, the heroine in any series, has to be just that, a heroine. Someone who isn't too girlie, just a smidgen socially awkward, feisty, adorable, and who isn't afraid to speak what's on her mind. Some semblance of a love life is good too.

2. I like some comedy in my mystery. The Lutz series doesn't have any murder, but the comedy and mystery is recipe for addiction. Jaffarian's books are full of murder and the humor compliments it quite nicely.

3. Several months ago, the folks at the Mystery Bookstore in Westwood were helpful when I walked in with a desire to read something set in 1800's Great Britain (where did this desire come from? Can't remember) I started a book that was recommended, but it turns out that I am not so into period murder mystery pieces. I prefer modern day - 1980's (a la Grafton) are OK too.

4. Give me a city that I know, and that's a bonus. As much as I like the idea of reading a mystery set in another country (and, yes, Cara Black's Parisian set mysteries are on my radar, and since I consider Paris a city I know pretty well, I should start reading these), I generally prefer a series in the US. I may also be open to something set in Canada. Those Canadians can be pretty funny...and murderous.

Send any suggestions my way. In the meantime, I'll read, as seen on public TV's Wayne Dyer's "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life."

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