Today, despite slightly inclement weather, I paid a trip to the Arc de Triomphe. The Arc is the impressive French landmark built by Napolean which stands in the center of 8 thoroughfares including the Champs Elysee. They call it the Etoile - or star - since the Arc and the circumventing streets resemble a many-pointed star. There is a tomb of the unknown soldier from WWI continually honored by a burning flame.
The city today is largely bare - August 15 is a national holiday. Additionally, the month of August is a popular month for taking month-long vacations - something which the French are very fond of.
The Champs Elysee, however, was busy with tourist activity. My family and I took an underground pathway to get to the Arc. The underground hallway is necessary since the diameter around the Etole is filled with ever-connecting car lanes and acts as the city's nightmare for drivers - No lanes but plenty of cars coming and going in eight different directions.
In order to get from the base of the Arc to the top, we took 286 steps along a tightly spiraled staircase. The picture above was taken on our trek up to the top.
I have been up to the top of the Arc de Triomphe once before, but we took the elevator. I don't remember the elevator ride at all. But these stairs - well, they were memorable. A workout - but worth it.
The view from the top is lovely and gives a panoramic 360 degree view of the city. Here's one of the tree lined Victor Hugo:
Although it has threatened rain all day, our view from the top was pleasant with a nice breeze and of course a great view.
Here's me and my cousin Cyrus. Note how the little guy is balancing the Eiffel Tower on his head:
Here's us going down. You can see our heads looking up at the camera:
More from Paris soon!
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