Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Hillary Clinton impresses at electrical union training site in the city of Commerce on Friday

On Friday, I drove down to Commerce to see Hillary Clinton at the IBEW-ETI Training Site in Commerce. There were about 300 of us plus many from the local electrical workers union in addition to plenty of camera persons and members of the media. Mayor Villaraigosa, Speaker Fabian Nunez, Lt. Governor Garimendi and even Chelsea Clinton were also present. My ticket to fame was that I sat at the top bleachers, about 10 feet from the stage, and the man next to me got up and yelled" Hillary will you marry me!". My uncle later told me that he heard that sound byte on the radio.

I was very impressed by Hillary Clinton - her smarts, her ability to plan and the organization of her ideas - She spoke practically and not idealistically. She truly impresses as a politician and legislator - and no debate or soundbyte can adequately cover the intelligence and pragmatism she delivers in person. I saw Mitt Romney a few months ago and these two are like night and day. Romney really played to a mob mentality and spoke in rhetoric and spewed populist conversative messages that made me feel itchy just being in the room. Clinton, on the other hand, speaks like a professor - clearly and intelligently and straight to the point - There's no sugar-coating with her.

I was very glad she addressed her stance on the Revolutionary Guard in Iran (in response to an audience question) and distinguished the roles of the clergy vs. president in the Islamic Republic in Iran and that country's role in promoting terrorism abroad. Mostly, I admired her pragmatism and the so-called Stimulus Plan she put forth. Her plan addressed the importance of conservation and the promotion of alternative energy sources especially in the expansion of what she called "green collar jobs". She also would expand unemployment insurance to those who require it, and offer the health insurance packages available to members of Congress to the public at large. For a complete transcript of the event (applause and cheering witheld), there is a link on her website: http://www.hillaryclinton.com/news/speech/view/?id=5143

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