Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Hampshire Debates - Applause for Clinton's bid for "change" as first woman president

There was a major shift in energy between the republicans and the democrats during the New Hampshire debates tonight. During round one, the republicans were largely focused and well-spoken, even Ron Paul, who everyone else snickered at. For the republicans, I was most impressed with Huckabee's knowledge of world affairs, his eloquence and his tempered manners - I am surprised at myself for being impressed with him since I know his religiously-fueled politics are not my cup of tea. McCain also came across well, which I think he always does.

During round two, all of candidates looked tired, and frankly, their lack of energy bored me. I don't blame them. After days and days of campaiging in Iowa and now New Hampshire, they all looked like they could use a nap. Also, Richardson completely distracts from the top three frontrunners. He needs to go back to New Mexico and focus on his UFO-museum. His myopia in foreign affairs makes him completely unsuitable for world politics.

None of the democrats jazzed me up. I was looking to be "fired up" by Obama, but instead found his words to be labored, although he does have a nice voice. He also looked so aged for a man only in his late fourties.

Clinton had some good moments (she also looked better than Obama). During the change vs. experience discussion, she rightly said that having a woman president presents a change in government contrary to anything the US has elected before. I'm glad she said it, because commentators have mentioned the fact that Obama would be the first Black president - a phenomenal feat for US standards - whereas in my opinion, having the first woman president would be an even greater achievement. I think people almost forget that Clinton is a woman - her long history in the political eye seem to connect her more to her husband than her own gender.

I look forward to seeing the results in New Hampshire. Based on the debates this evening, I'm more interested in the outcome for the republicans than the democrats.

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