Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Chinatown Firecracker Run

I just got back from completing the 30th Annual Firecracker Run in Chinatown Los Angeles. The event is a celebration of Chinese New Year and is composed of a 5K, 10K, and 1 mile kiddie run. I participated in the 5k, and let me tell you, if any uninformed observers thinks L.A. is flat, just have them do this course.

The run started in Chinatown where we received a spectacular send off with dragon dancers, and a long line of firecrackers crackling from where they hung on the start banner all the way to the ground. I knew about the initial hill up Broadway, but was unprepared for the series of steep climbs that followed. 10K runners continued those hills bravely through Elysian Park until they reached Dodgers Stadium. The 10K version is considered one of the most difficult 10K courses.

The royal court of Chinatown princesses was in tow giving winners their medals.

So although I added to my last 5K time, now I know to pump up my hill training. And believe me, there are plenty of hills in the southland to go around - for any doubters out there.

Happy year of the rat!

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